Web Publications
Abbreviations in Ancient Latin
All the latin abbreviations from inscriptions.
Ancient Roman Technology
A big collection of essayes and academic documents about the roman technology.
English Heritage: The Roman Cemetery at Brougham 
The report of the excavation at Brougham, Cumbria (UK) 1966-67.
Experiences with the roman fortifications
Some experiments about building the roman mobile field and its fortifications using hard reenactment.
Legionary stamps on bricks
A collection of images about ancient legionary stamps on red bricks.
Legionary Diplomas
A collection of images about legionary diplomas.
Lorica musculata
A discussion about this type of armour by Travis Lee Clark.
La Rocca di Canne 
A complete study about the site of the famous battle of Canne (in italian).
Luke Ueda-Sarson's Ancient Military History Site
Various publications about Roman and other ancient civilizations militar history.
Navigare Necesse Est
All about the Roman Navy. In Italian, French, English and Spanish.
Roma Victrix 
A visual archive of roman military equipment with
hundreds of high definition pictures.
The Roman Army - by Gary Brueggeman 
A very detailed explanation on battle tacticts, physic studies about the use of roman weapons, legion marches. With animations and a lot of pictures.
Roman Emperors List
Complete roman Emperors list from Augustus to the fall of the Western Empire
The Roman soldier's shield
A brief explanation about the roman scutum.
The Fort of Newstead 
Original title "A Roman Frontier Post and its
People - The Fort of Newstead in the Parish of Melrose".
This is the originale James Curle's excavation report (1911) entirely and freely available on the web.
The Fort of Newstead more pictures
Some more pictures about the findings of Curle.
An incredible deep and complete web site about roman engineering. In spanish, french and english.
Armamentarium (The)
A precious resource about everything is known about romans and war. Two parallel sections contain archeological findings and reconstructed
Franciscan Archeological Research Archive
Huge text archive about archeological digs in the Israelian area.
Geography of Roman Gaul (The) A resourse of all roman sites in Gaul with a lot of news.
Historia Langobardorum
A brief extract about roman socks red colour
Illustrated history of the Roman Empire
A complete reference about the history of Rome. Information cover religion, army, civil life and politics of Rome from the founding to the
Notitia Dignitatum
The surviving copies of the so-called Notitia Dignitatum, the "List of
Offices", includes pictures showing the shield patterns of hundreds of units in the Roman army as it existed at the start of the 5th century AD.
Potsherd - Roman pottery

A collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe. An award winner database about Terra Sigillata.
Private Letter, Early IInd cent. A.D. (1)
Private Letter, Early IInd cent. A.D. (2)

The most complete image database of roman military tombstones. Other sections include travelogues and a roman encyplopedia. One of the best roman military sites.
Roman Legions
On this site, you will find an alphabetical and chronological catalogue of the imperial legions with many details and links, and an overview of the armies in certain provinces.
Trajan's Column: photo coverage 
The Trajan's Column in a complete photo coverage.
Trajan's Column: a description by John Hungerford Pollen
A complete study on the Trajan's Column with image reconstructions.
Vindolanda Tablets Online
 An access to the fantastic world of the VindolandaTablets.
Frederic Weber Roman Imperial Coinage
 A complete list of roman coins with evaluations and deep explanation.
Literature Classics
Historia Augusta
Latin. Hypertext.
Vegetius - Epitoma Rei Militaris
General list of classics
Big selection mostly from the latin Library and Intratext.
The Latin Library
Selection of original latin classics.
Selection of original latin classics with hypertext.
How To...
Costruction of armour
Patterns, instructions, suggestions about all type of roman armours.

Great web site, with pic by pic building procedures of
shoes, subarmalis, etc.!

Ancient sewing in details, with wonderful pictures.
Excavations at Roman Corbridge: the Hoard
Allason-Jones, L. and Bishop,M.C., London: Historical Buildings & Monuments Commission, 1988.
Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome
Barker, Philip. Wargames Research Group, 1972.
The Production and Distribution of Roman Military Equipment: Proceedings of the Second Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar.
BAR International Series 275. Oxford: BAR, 1985.
Roman Military Equipment
Bishop, M.C. and Coulston, J.C.N.. London: BT Batsford, 1993.
Roman Forts in Britain
Breeze, David J. Shire Archaeology Series #37. Shire Publications, 1983.
The Roman Army 31 BC to AD 337
Campbell, Brian. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Greece and Rome at War
Connolly, Peter. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981.
The Roman Army
London: MacDonald & Co., 1975.
The Legionary
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
The Cavalryman
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Living in the Time of Jesus of Nazareth
Oxford: Oxford, University Press, 1983.
The Roman Fort
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
London: Macdonald & Co., 1979.
Military Equipment and the Identity of Roman Soldiers
Coulston, J.C. (ed.): Proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference.
BAR International Series 394. Oxford: BAR, 1988.
Service in the Roman Army
Davies, Roy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989.
Roman Military Equipment: The Accoutrements of War
Dawson, M. (ed.): Proceedings of the Third Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar.
BAR International Series 336. Oxford: BAR, 1987.
The Finds of Roman Britain
de la Bedoyere, Guy. London: Batsford, 1989.
Roman Military Equipment: the Sources of Evidence
Driel-Murray, C. van (ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth Roman Military Equipment Conference.
BAR International Series 476. Oxford: BAR, 1989.
Geschichte aus dem Kies
Xantener Berichte 3. Koln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1993.
Hadrian's Wall in the Days of the Romans
Graham, Frank and Embleton, Ronald., Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Frank Graham, 1984.
The Roman Army in Britain
Holder, P.A. London: BT Batsford, 1982.
The Making of the Roman Army, from Republic to Empire
Keppie, Lawrence. London: BT Batsford, 1984.
The Imperial Roman Army
LeBohec, Yann. London: BT Batsford, 1994.
The Roman War Machine
Peddie, John. Alan Sutton Publications, 1994.
The Roman Legions Recreated in Colour Photographs
Peterson, Daniel. London: Windrow & Greene, 1992.
The Praetorian Guard
Rankov, Boris. Osprey Elite Series #50. London: Osprey, 1994.
Trajan's Column and the Dacian Wars
Rossi, Lino. London: Thames & Hudson, 1971.
The World of Roman Costume
Sebesta, Judith Lynn and Bonfante, Larissa. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1994.
Republican Roman Army 200-104 BC
Sekunda, Nick. Osprey Men-at-Arms Series #291. London: Osprey, 1994.
Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan
Simkins, Michael. Osprey Men-at-Arms #46. London: Osprey, 1984.
Warriors of Rome
London: Blandford, 1988. Sumner, Graham. Roman Army: Wars of the Empire. London: Brassey's, Ltd., 1997.
Brassey's History of Uniforms Series.
Warfare in the Classical World
Warry, John. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980.
The Roman Imperial Army of the 1st and 2nd Centuries AD
Webster, Graham. London: Black, 1969.
Greek and Roman Technology
White, K.D. London: Thames & Hudson, 1984.
Imperial Rome at War
Windrow, Martin, and McBride, Angus. Military Book Club, 1997.
A Translation of Jerome's Chronicon With Historical Commentary
Jerome, Saint Jerome, Malcolm Drew Donalson, AEdwin Mellen Press, 1996.
Cult of Isis in the Roman Empire: Isis Invicta (Studies in Classics, V. 22)
Malcolm Drew Donalson, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003.
The Domestic Cat in Roman Civilization (Studies in Classics, V. 9)
Malcolm Drew Donalson, Edwin Mellen Press, 1999.