
List of Roman Emperors
Bibliographic Notes
1 - Virgilio, Eneide (7, 126)
2 - Plutarco, Phyrrus (16-5)
3 - Polybius, Historiae (VI, 26-42)
Additional bibliography
Hyginus Gromaticus – Liber De Munitionibus Castrorum (DMC)
Plutarco – Vite parallele
Pseudo Cesare – Bellum Africum (B.Afr.)
Pseudo Cesare – Bellum Alexandrinum (B.Alex.)
Studies on the roman field defenses:
Fabricius, Ernst – Some notes on Polybius’s descriptions of Roman camps – JRS, XXII, 1932, pp. 78-87
Gilliver, Catherine M. - Hedgehogs, caltrops and palisade stakes - Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies, 4, 1993, pp.49-54
Junkelmann, Marcus - Die Legionen des Augustus: der römische Soldat in archäologischen - Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1986
Lenoir, Maurice - Des fortifications du camp / Pseudo-Hygin; texte etabli, traduit et commente – Paris, Les belles lettres, 1979
Miller, M.C.J e Devoto, James Garry - Polybius and Pseudo-Hyginus: the fortification of the roman camp – Chicago, Ares, 1994
Peddie, John - The Roman war machine – Stroud, A. Sutton, 1994
Salvatore, John Pamment - Roman Republican Castrametation:a reappraisal of historical and archaeological sources – Oxford, B.A.R. 630, 1996