Some very beautiful paintings about roman soldiers.
American Journal of Archeology
The official web site of the society with free access to many publications.
Pictures, pictures and pictures about roman archeological sites in the world.
A complete resource about roman archeology in Great Britain. Information, Maps, (web) sites and links from Scotland to England.
The Union of European Historical Groups official web site.
Digital Archeology 
Digital reenacting of villages, forts and objects. Very high quality pictures and videos.
Museum Land
More than 11,000 museums in a searchable directory.
Our Past History
A guide to responsible Metal Detecting in England and Wales. The Image gallery contains over 6,700 images.
Rogue Classicism
Blog about ancient roman culture.
Roman cooking
In French.
Roman Times
The Newsletter by Mary Harrsch.
Roman Weapons
An italian web site built by a roman weapons amateur.

A web site dedicated to the Samnites the civilization that invented the pilum and the "roman" scutum.
Armes et Guerriers au temps du Haut Empire Romain (In french)
Contubernium (In italian) 
Roman Combat Sports Forum
Talking History
Archeological News
Our Archive
The News section of our site, only about most significant roman archeology and roman reenactment news.
News, events, links with daily updates. Very good resource.
Archeologia Italiana (in italian)
News, events, links with daily updates.
Ministero dei Beni Culturali
The official web site of the Italian Minister of Culture. In italian.
CBA NewsFeed
A news scan service focuse on roman archeology mainly, mantained by the Council of British Archeology..
Current Archaeology
Archeological news about Britain.
Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia
The Portal of the italian archaeological groups.