The Roman Hideout helps you understand quality of the items by rating stars for each provider and item, as follows:
The top in terms of quality and accuracy
High quality.
Good quality items.
Medium quality items.
: The quality rating of these suppliers is poor for general inaccuracy.
<no stars>: there's no evaluation about these suppliers.
Our evaluation is made on items sent to us. We evaluate items mainly
considering historical accuracy and archeology originals matching.
Keywords: roma, rome, romisch, romano, romana, romani,roman, romische,
romer, archeologia, archaeology, archeologie, archeo, ricerca, research,
search, sperimentazione, experiment, testing, legioni, legione, legion,
legionario, legionnaire, legionary, pretoriano, pretorian, praetorian,
pretorien, rievocazione, rievocatore, folclore, turismo, re-enacting,
re-enacter, reenacter, reenactor, turism, tourism, touristique, storia,
history, historical, histoire, lorica, armatura, corazza, armour,
segmentata, lamellare, lamelled, squamata, squamae, plumata, hamata, rings,
anelli, ferro, handcraft, manufattura, manufatto, metalworking, forge,
forgia, metalcraft.