ANSA (italian press here)
Discovered the searched inscription at Zama
February 12, 2002
TUNIS, Feb 12 - (Di Jaafar Iskander) The archaeological site of Jamma (the center-north of Tunisia),
than from decades is dug from italian and tunisine equipes in intermittent
campaigns, would finally have revealed the main secret that every archaeologist has up to now wished to
discover. A Latin inscription has been recovered that would prove that Jamma would not be
other than Zama the site of the battle between Hannibal and Scipione.
The news of the finding has been revealed from the Prof. Angela Donati who
in last days went on the site to define with the tunisin colleagues some
details about the next campaign of diggings that will start in April.
An enlargement of the digging field beyond the bizantine walls that up to now
delimited it, allowed the diggings to decidedly involve the Roman city and gratified
archeologists with the finding in October of one the latin inscriptions
that reports the name of "zamenses regenses" people the
Zama inhabitants.
The document, has specified the Prof. Donated "is still under study", but it seems already destined to
clean every doubt on the identity of the site that should be exactly the true
Zama near which the conclusive battle of the Second Punic War between the cartaginese army of Hannibal and
the Roman Army of Scipione happened in 202 B.C.
The finding seems located into a sanctuary or however a sacred building of
a still ignored divinity, has specified the Italian archaeologist expressing the hope
to clarify this in the close future.
The Zama diggings are conducted by Italian archeologists from the Sabatino
Moscati Institute of the CNR and the University of Bologna in collaboration with the
tunisin colleagues of the Institut National di Patrimoine.
Project managers are Prof. Paul Bartoloni for the Italian part and Ahmed Ferjaoui for the
tunisin part.
12/02/2002 17:32