Forum Traiani's Jug with handle
January 2004
Forum Traiani is a well known suppliers of roman items.
They are mainly focused on civilian items.
This jug is a replica of a common finding, but FT has not provided
documentation related to the original.

The Jug from Forum Traiani
FT declares about 1 liter of capacity: we
have measured 1,12 liters by leaving the space for any confortable
cork cap. Our test has not revealed defects, it is perfectly water-tight.
We stressed the item by handling it filled of water: the jug is strong
enough for any kind of use.
As written on their web site the internal part of the jug is vitrifated as
hygienic measure. This is clearly introduced to allow customers to use
it, even if this less filological.
Other picture, click here.
The item is very accurate and, even if we cannot verify it with
"the" original, it is a so common item that we can say that it
is filologically perfect. The item lost one point for the inside painting,
but we don't consider this lost point for the final evaluation that is the
The price is 13,50 euro, that is pretty low for the quality offered.
Diameter: 115 mm - height: 179 mm
Historical accuracy (comparison with the original): N/A
Philologic evidences:
General Impression:     
Price: 13,50 Euro     
Overall Evaluation:    
Forum Traiani
Schwarzweiss GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 39 63303 Dreieich (Germany)
tel.: 06103-388228 Fax 06103-388226
- worst ...    
- best
To make your items reviewed contact us.